Each customer is isolated to their own container namespace that is listed at the bottom of the Repositories page.
To push a container to your private registry it must be named with your namespace as a prefix when tagged.
Example Trustgrid repository namespace
List View
Uploaded container images may be viewed by navigating to Repositories in the portal.
Repositories list view
From this view you can se all containers uploaded to your namespace.
Container Repository View
Each repository can be managed. Clicking into a container will show its uploaded tags and digests, as well as the URI that can be used to pull the container.
Example repository for nginx container with two tag versions
Deleting Container Repositories
Next to each container repository name is a box that can be selected. This allows deleting the entire repository and all its tags with a single action.
Select the desired container repository.
From the Actions dropdown select Delete.
When prompted enter the repository name and click Confirm.
Prompt to delete an example nginx repository
Deleting Specific Container Tags
Navigate into the desired repository.
Select the desired tag version.
From the Actions dropdown select Delete.
When prompted enter the tag name and click Confirm.
Prompt to delete an example nginx tag version
Docker Login
In order to push to or pull containers from the private registry, your local docker client must first authenticate with your credentials.
To authenticate with the registry, use the command provided in the Docker Login section at the bottom of the repositories page.
Docker Login with copy button
Use the copy button to copy the docker login command and paste it into your terminal to authenticate your docker client. This will cache your credentials locally for approximately 24 hours.
Example docker login command
Node Container Authentication
Trustgrid node appliances authenticate automatically with the Trustgrid container registry and can pull any image uploaded to the registry. All communication between the node appliance and the registry occurs using the Trustgrid control plane networks and ports
Example Usage
In the below example we will show how to pull down a container image (Alpine Linux) from the public hub.docker.com registry and then push it to the Trustgrid private registry under our namespace.
First pull the Alpine image from Docker Hub with the command docker pull alpinePull Alpine image from Docker Hub.
Note the tag is automatically set to latest by Docker. If desired you can manually specify a specific tag to get a specific version.
Tag the image with your namespace prefix. docker tag alpine:latest docker.trustgrid.io/namespace.trustgrid.io/alpine:latest make sure you replace namespace.trustgrid.io with your actual namespace.
Tag image with namespace prefix
Push the tagged image to the private registry. docker push docker.trustgrid.io/namespace.trustgrid.io/alpine:latestPush tagged image to private registry
Back on the Trustgrid portal, navigate to Repositories and you should see the pushed image listed.
Pushed image listed in portal